
Saturday, May 2, 2009

random random random

3rd concert tomorrow... german + italian+alliluia OFF MUSIC ugh why why why missed dress rehearsal this morning at tovi's bar mitzvah. he was great. julia's next week. me and julia went down during the sermon and used the magnets on the arts and crafts cabinet to write mazel tov tovi after lunch when julia left i changed it to good luck julia have fun and i'll change it to mazel tov julia during the service next week. only me and tovi came to hebrew school on wednesday and only me megan julia week before. people only come on sunday now. wednesdays are more interesting. just had dungeons and dragons. it was good.only got hit once so far this encounter. adams character died so his new one is a half elf that thinks its a dwarf. was a flowermart yesterday. painted a water barrel for parks and people. it was fun.then went to kivas for takeout chinese shabbat. it was good. played a board game with kiva rebecca and kivas friend. chicken soup for the kids soul. boring but funny. heres something to try. all the circles have to add up to the same thing. i haven't started yet.i'm bored. dinner soon. doing advanced for gymnastics. need to get a bunch of skills. missing everyone from mars and 3 ring and wanting to be at mica. i wish summer would get here. listening to random stuff on itunes. hungry. typing whatever i think. had to do ashrey and pass out candy and tovi's bar mitzvah because they had no on else. doing same for julia because she asked me. small class a hebrew school tomorrow. tovi and megan not coming. julia is. dont know about other 3. sundays stink. have to finish our thing for the bulletin board. maybe it wont be to bad. think rebecca just broke something. maybe not. sounded like glass breaking. did again. i dont think so. she said something fell. bored if you couldn't tell. leave me comments. i don't care what about. i have something like 10 total ever. need more. and follow. thanks. going to end this post now. comment follow comment. bey.


  1. wow you're bored
    I don't get the circle thing
    tell me sometime


  2. I'm mildly insane too!

    the wheels on the bus go SPAZ SPAZ SPAZ SPAZ SPAZ SPAZ SPAZ
    oops I still had caps lock on



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